Beth Collins

Beth Collins has been showing dogs in conformation since the early 80’s.  Her primary breed is the Afghan Hound, which she breeds and exhibits under the registered kennel name TAZA. Her secondary breeds are Standard Poodles and Lhasa Apsos.

Highlights of her ‘dog career’ are winning the 2003 National Breeders Cup, BOS at the National as well as National Awards of Merit and Specialty Best in Show wins, and owning a Top Producing and Top 5 Afghan Hound for many years. As a Groomer, she was awarded the Cardinal Crystal National Show Dog Groomer of the Year Award. She has judged many Specialty Sweepstakes and is currently applying to become an AKC licensed Judge.

In addition to conformation, Beth and her husband, Tom, have titled dogs in obedience and lure coursing and she writes a grooming column for the Afghan Hound Review Magazine.

She moved to Maine recently from the Midwest and is excited to host
Telling Tails Conformation Presentation classes.

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